Το soundrack του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου : 10+1 ερωτικά τραγούδια της δεκαετίας του ’80
Η δεκαετία του ’80 θεωρείται μια από τις καλύτερες δεκαετίες στη μουσική. Πάρα πολλά «διαμαντάκια» εμφανίστηκαν στα charts τα οποία ακούγονται μέχρι σήμερα.

Για όλους εμάς που ήταν η δεκαετία της εφηβείας μας τα τραγούδια της μας στιγμάτισαν. Τραγούδια με τα οποία μεγαλώσαμε, χορέψαμε στα πάρτι, ερωτευτήκαμε, τραγούδια που ακούν σήμερα τα παιδιά μας και που δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να φύγουν από τη μνήμη μας.
Λόγω της ημέρας ξεχωρίζουμε 10 + 1 υπέροχα ερωτικά τραγούδια. Η επιλογή ήταν πολύ δύσκολη γιατί υπάρχουν άπειρες και εξαιρετικές επιλογές.
Από την Ειρήνη Συκά
George Benson – In Your Eyes (1983)">
" style="color: #0000cc; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">">">
In your eyes, I can see the reasons why our love’s alive … γιατί τα μάτια λένε πολλά ….
Air Supply – Making love out of nothing at all (1983)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
I can make you every promise that has ever been made and I can make all your demons be gone…
Scorpions – Still loving you (1984)">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
I’m still loving you, I need your love … Ο ΥΜΝΟΣ της αγάπης !!!!
Ten Sharp – You (1991)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
You, you’re my everlasting fire, you’re my always shining star…
Foreigners – I want to know that love is (1984)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Show me love is real, yeah, I want to know what love is…
Bryan Adams – Everything I do I do it for you (1991)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">}" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Search your heart, search your soul… And when you find me there you’ll search no more…
γιατί όταν αγαπάς κάνεις τα πάντα… δεν υπολογίζεις τίποτα…
Jennifer Rush – The power of love (1984)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Lost is how I’m feeling… lying in your arms…
Phil Collins – Against all odds (1984)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
There’s so much I need to say to you …You’re the only one who really knew me at all" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Richard Marx – Right here waiting for you (1989)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
wherever you go… whatever you do… I will be right here waiting for you…
Lionnel Richie & Diana Ross – Endless love (1981)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
I want to share all my love with you… no one else will do… και εξαιρετική ταινία βέβαια!!!" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Kenny Rogers – Lady (1980)
" style="color: #0000cc; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">" style="font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">
Lady, for so many years I thought I’d never find you … you have come into my life and made me whole…
" style="color: #1b57b1; text-decoration: none; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.1599998474121px; line-height: 15.8079996109009px;">